5:56 PM

Wishin' and hopin'

This month was my first round of Clomid. Just 50mg, days 2-6, but I was bracing myself for the horrid side effects. But I didn't have any (though I've probably just jinxed myself for any future cycles...).

So I went to the doctor Wednesday. For once, I wasn't really anxious about going. And it started out on the right foot...I'm down to 169 pounds, which is really exciting. That puts me back into the normal BMI range, and I'm sure will have nothing but good a good effect on my fertility. Then the doctor did an ultrasound to see if my ovaries had responded. And my right ovary had a huge follicle, just waiting to rupture! It also had a ton of little ones, as did my left ovary. But Dr. Young seemed really pleased that I'd responded to the low dose of Clomid. And I was ecstatic! For once, my body is cooperating! I'll go back next Tuesday to check my progesterone level to see if I actually ovulate.

Tuesday is also mine and Hubby's second anniversary! We're leaving tomorrow to go to the beach and spend a long weekend together, without stressing about work or babies or family (although, I can't help but think about how good the baby-making timing potentially is). It's definitely a much-needed chance to decompress a little and just relax.

So I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend, and wish me luck Tuesday!


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